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extrajuicymegaways™| AstraZeneca rose more than 1% to a new high, announcing the elimination of the new crown vaccine globally

Gelonghui May 8| AstraZeneca (AZNextrajuicymegaways™.US) rose more than 1%, reaching a high of 77extrajuicymegaways™$115, a record high. In the news, AstraZeneca announced that it would remove the COVID-19 vaccine from the world, saying the decision was based on commercial considerations. As multiple responses to variants of the COVID-19 virus,extrajuicymegaways™Vaccine development, availableextrajuicymegaways™There has been a surplus of booster needles, which has led to a decline in demand for the company's new coronavirus vaccine, Vaxzevria. Therefore, the company has begun to recycle the vaccine globally and will also withdraw its marketing authorization in Europe. AstraZeneca insists the decision to remove the vaccine has nothing to do with court cases or the company's admission that the vaccine may cause side effects in some recipients.

extrajuicymegaways™| AstraZeneca rose more than 1% to a new high, announcing the elimination of the new crown vaccine globally




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